Saturday, May 1, 2010

random thoughts (Vol. 1)

- i think i am in love with Akanishi Jin. and not because of his looks but his personality as a whole. his looks is a plus plus plus, of course.

- i think that a handsome looking man can only be either these two: someone who is FUNny (fun + funny) and whacky who care less about being macho (that if we befriend him we forgot how good looking he is) or, someone who looks cool but turned out to be super BOOORRRIIINGGG.....

- botak guys are hot. they will be much hotter if they play drums.

- japanese men are waayyyy hotter than korean boys.

- Tom Cruise is never hot. Johnny Depp is. and Jude Law. and Paul Walker.

- i am happy to be back in K.L cause i can cuci mata more often. dah berlumpur mata duduk Kuantan lama sangat.

*ok this is not that random. haha!


wan nur baitty said...

audiii kenapa mesti akanishi jin paling teratas??? haish. haha

audi amalina said...

hahahaha. alaa sorry u. i terjatuh cinta plak. i kan xde laki now so artis jela tempat persinggahan. hahahaha.