Saturday, January 17, 2009


okay i'm pissed off because i can't google classes of opines and what is MPI selection system. urghh. fine i'll just ask anyone who knows.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

monday blues

It has been awhile since the last time I blog. I have a Friendster’s blog which mainly is to tell people how I have already ‘moved on’. Wanting to tell my ex that basically it was a huge gaffe to let me go and how strong I am handling the shit. It’s damn freaking funny how emotional I was and I giggled as I read back everything. When you’re infuriated, you don’t think thoroughly and you tend to blame everyone. Thank you though for the comments left from blogger readers. Haha. I appreciate it. Moving on…..

The reason why I started blog again is when I saw my friend, Hajar blogging. She blog about her Korean stuffs which I think it’s cute. But too much videos and the sucky internet connection here in Malaysia makes it like snail to load the page. Huhu. Then I was like, hurm, blog lah jugak. Hehehe. And again, this new blog I started out with emotional post. I guess it is true that when you are up in arms, you can put all your anger into words and it calms you down.


A friend said that bloggers are lame. They sell their stories to public blablabla. Uhuh, wait till your girlfriend start to blog than only you will say, ”aww blogging is cute”. It’s not selling la, just telling. So what if you want the whole world to know what has been up in your life. Just because you don’t do it so you think it’s uncool. Boohoo.


Today’s lab was a bit tiring and mind-numbing for me. But we got what we want from the extraction so yay, there’s something there. I was forced, owh too harsh, I was ordered to be in a group with another two guys. It’s not that I don’t like it, Shahrin and Hanan are cool people but the fact that I was not asked if I was o.k to be with them, that’s kinda upsetting. But whatever, I had fun doing lab with them. I have no complaints here.


I learn something new today. I was not supposed to use both battery and charger at once when using lappie. I never knew that the battery has cycles that once I use all the cycles, I need to buy a new one. So whenever a plug is there, use the charger and remove the battery.

(i wrote this on monday, but only has the time and internet connection today)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

weekend blabber

One of my daily routine now includes watching the monkeys trashing bins. They already ate my whole meal bread, broke my strawberry jam and play with my laptop (dilapidated the keys which now I don’t have ‘f2’ anymore). What’s next? Steal my undies and bras? I am scared of these monkeys because one of them attacked a friend of mine. They do have fangs (!!!) and also very long tail which I can’t imagine them swinging their tails to my face. Huuuu go away stupid monkeys! I used to think that this creation is cute but not anymore.


I can’t believe this but I am actually thinking less of YOU. Yay to me! I must be 100% positive that the best is yet to come. Just wait patiently for it.


Owh how I’m in need of a new handbag. I wish Santa exists and read my blog now. Hahaha. I have my own wish list but nope, not going to post it here.


One reason to be happy:
I am now less chubby than before (only on the face). Few good friends told me. Hah! But still bloated here and there after eating excessively. That’s a bit hard to slim it down since I am no fan of sports or any exercises. Lazy ass! Whatever but if there’s someone who can make me be more cautious with my weight and health, and throw me at gym at least 2 days a week, I bow to you right away.


Encouragement phrase of the day:

Excellency is an easy grasp but only when you work hard for it. (and it is an order to me for reaching a goal into perfecting this figure of mine so that complaint of oneself is somehow lessen. Plus, an order to increase Cgpa which means not only be a bookworm for finals but also mid-term and quizzes). Gahhh!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


two nights before was the suckiest night ever and it's only 1 week after new year. i cried like hell with no clear reason. i mean, i know the reason but i dunno how to put it into words. i know my feeling is real but was it worth it? this feeling i had, will it bring a betterment to my life? i supposed no and i hope it's a no. how could i like someone whose heart is full with hatred. they said love is blind. maybe i've been blinded by love. but i don't want to. it's a stupid proverb. it's hard to let go of this feeling but i have to. i know i have to.


what is the meaning of friendship? what does a friend do to you? would you use your own friend to get benefit out of it? will you keep a secret from a friend that he/she being played just to keep a friendship alive?


you manipulative backstabbing jackass! stop lying because i know everything you idiot. if i were to like you back, will you not consider my feelings too(as you said im your friend)? i understand the reason why you did all these but really, playing me? alhamdullilah sangat2 i dont like you. i just hope you will change someday. this is not healthy. you are sick. i pray for you to get well soon. i pitty you.


i dont know which upset me more. the fact that he lied or the fact that my own friend keep it a secret from me.

i choose a friend over someone i like. i don't think my friend is.