i went to my friend's wedding last friday. it was a bit controversial since no one actually knew the groom. and it was so sudden, like tiba2 enganged, few months later, kahwin. well the person herself byklaa kontroversinya but that's not what i want to talk about. dah settle pun and she's someone's wife now, so whatever had happen before, just put it in the past okay.
this married girl, she used to date someone for years. i mean like, 6-7 years? they were high school lovers. everyone knew this couple. and both memang rapat with each others' family. they were close with each others' family tahap yg anak buah makcik pakcik semua laa dah kenal. dah anggap one of the family jugak. to me, that kind of relationship is a serious rship and somehow mesti dah plan for future. but then, they broke up. tak tau la apa problem but they did break up. and now the girl is married to someone else. she invited her ex, and her ex was gentleman enough to come to the wedding reception. to me, he was a true man. lelaki sejati. despite what happen between them, he still came and show support to her. i don't know if it's just me (sbb semua orang cakap audi je fikir camtu), but i saw his eyes and to me, he was trying his best to look happy, but the eyes just couldn't lie. for your information, i am very good in seeing someone's eyes esp if they're trying to look fine, but instead mcm2 dalam otak. so his eyes, mcm nak nangis but he's trying to compose himself. memanglaa dah xde pape and both already move on, tapi tipula if u tak sedih one bit. it was 6-7 years of relationship kot. banyak benda they went thru together.
and what caught my eyes was the fact that her niece and nephew sangat rapat with him, asek berkepit je with him malam tu. and he was so nice to layan those kids. even bawak jalan2, bawak lepak with me and my other friends. siap dukung laa, sbb budak kecik kan majlis2 mcm ni suka merengek laa, nak tido la apa. so comel when i saw him dukung the kid. the kids siap nangis2 when he nak balik. awlolololo... and he was talking with her families, makcik pakcik, her parents. he was indeed very close to her family. well, bukan semua ada hati gagah macam tu. come to an ex wedding, talk to people whom he used to call FAMILY. that's why i said dia LELAKI SEJATI. i bow.
moral of the story, JODOH ITU DAH DITETAPKAN DI TANGAN ALLAH SWT. so it's not about how long you are together, or how close you are with the family that you can be considered as one of them, or how many hardships you went through together, or even how much love, care, time, money you give....kalau dah takde jodoh, maknanya xdela. it might sound bad, sad, unfair... but ALLAH knows better and He only give the best for us. and faith, is what we must hold on to. yakin lah Tuhan dah tetapkan jodoh yang terbaik utk kita.
Monday, May 31, 2010
fun brunch
one of my dear friends is going to Sabah to do her housemen-ship for two years. Sofina ku sayang, why laa jauh sangat nak menimba ilmu jadi doktor berjaya? huhu. anyways, since she's going to negeri di bawah bayu tomorrow, we decided to lepak together before she leave. so yesterday, me Hasanah Sofina n Dila had brunch at Austin Chase Coffee in Wangsa Walk. it was our first time, and i think the food was quite nice. ok laa, cafe pun kan. but one thing about that cafe, it has novels/magazines/newspapers that u can read, and games/board games u can play! cool kan! ada monopoly la macam2. we played Jenga. ok i admit it was my first time playing it so i was a bit nervous, and excited too. seronok laa Austin Chase ni, allowing the customers to fully relaxing themselves. reading good books while sipping coffee, playing games with friends. i'll definitely go there again next time bila ada leisure time. =)
and to my Dr. Sofina sayang, take care of yourself ok. jadilaa doktor yg berdedikasi. hehe. i'll miss you heaps!!
and to my Dr. Sofina sayang, take care of yourself ok. jadilaa doktor yg berdedikasi. hehe. i'll miss you heaps!!
FUN can be gain with AWESOME FRIENDS. so even if you are in a middle of desert with nothing to do, you can still have fun with awesome company, and you would not mind to stay there for a while.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Youth '10
ok, so i went to Youth '10 at PWTC with my best friend, Hasanah. i mean, we're both can still be considered as youth so we decided to go there, saja tgk2. if bosan balik la. to me, the event was okay, considering there're lots of things and activites; covering from sports, entertainment to talk/conferences. and bazaar too. so u can play sports, watch dances (from street dance to tarian melayu), mesmerize beautiful artworks (my fav), play games like Jenga and chess (a huge one!) and shop. there was WWF booth which is nice because you can donate and do charity for the wild life.
but one thing yang tak best, i felt so old. the crowd, i think 80% bawah umur. and by bawah umur i mean bawah 21. their faces looked so young...even though Hasanah and i always been mistaken as budak bawah umur too, but we're indeed NOT. and we're actually really tired and sangat pening kepala when we were there. the loud music, the over-dressed and over-makeup young teens, not to mention the posers...oh em gee....tak larat tgk okay! bukan zaman kite dah. there were times i felt so scared like i was at some scary places (esp dekat orang2 buat graffiti, i dont know if it was just me or everyone were wearing black) i was about to cry. and those bands performing, seriously u guys gave me headache! well i think i am TOO OLD for that stuffs.
oh btw, in my opinion... :
1) gothic and orang melayu dont suit each other. tak je. so those who wear that kind of outfit, with the birdy hat, ruffles blouse, socks, gloves and black umbrella with ruffles, i demand you to change. and what's with the emo style?? ceria laa sikit hidup.
2) too many young teens wearing as if they're late 20s. tebal lapan puluh inci makeup. why do u want to add a couple of years from ur real age? you are young once. so why the rush to become an adult?
but despite all that, one guy did catch my eyes. he's cute. and i bought t-shirt from his booth. teeheehee. most importantly, he didnt look like budak bawah umur.
but one thing yang tak best, i felt so old. the crowd, i think 80% bawah umur. and by bawah umur i mean bawah 21. their faces looked so young...even though Hasanah and i always been mistaken as budak bawah umur too, but we're indeed NOT. and we're actually really tired and sangat pening kepala when we were there. the loud music, the over-dressed and over-makeup young teens, not to mention the posers...oh em gee....tak larat tgk okay! bukan zaman kite dah. there were times i felt so scared like i was at some scary places (esp dekat orang2 buat graffiti, i dont know if it was just me or everyone were wearing black) i was about to cry. and those bands performing, seriously u guys gave me headache! well i think i am TOO OLD for that stuffs.
oh btw, in my opinion... :
1) gothic and orang melayu dont suit each other. tak je. so those who wear that kind of outfit, with the birdy hat, ruffles blouse, socks, gloves and black umbrella with ruffles, i demand you to change. and what's with the emo style?? ceria laa sikit hidup.
2) too many young teens wearing as if they're late 20s. tebal lapan puluh inci makeup. why do u want to add a couple of years from ur real age? you are young once. so why the rush to become an adult?
but despite all that, one guy did catch my eyes. he's cute. and i bought t-shirt from his booth. teeheehee. most importantly, he didnt look like budak bawah umur.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
tanak balik kuantan please
i'll be going back to boring kuantan in less than two hours. but this time the journey will be fun i guess, since im going back with my KESAYANGAN.... hehe.
tanak balik please sbb FYP. boo.
oh, yesterday was fun. hang out dgn BAITTY n AFI AIZAM, filling our tummy with Zanmai Sushi, A&W waffles and rootbeer floats, maggie goreng at mamak (eh but they lagi gemok coz they ate naan cheese with ayam tandoori). harus diet ok GO GO GO. afi ada CD lagu cintan cintun best dalam kereta. hehe.
oh not to forget, AMIRAH SURAYA ku sayang finally we met after berkurun tak jumpa. i missed you! kalau HASANAH ada mesti lagi best. huhu.
tanak balik please sbb FYP. boo.
oh, yesterday was fun. hang out dgn BAITTY n AFI AIZAM, filling our tummy with Zanmai Sushi, A&W waffles and rootbeer floats, maggie goreng at mamak (eh but they lagi gemok coz they ate naan cheese with ayam tandoori). harus diet ok GO GO GO. afi ada CD lagu cintan cintun best dalam kereta. hehe.
oh not to forget, AMIRAH SURAYA ku sayang finally we met after berkurun tak jumpa. i missed you! kalau HASANAH ada mesti lagi best. huhu.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
well somehow, your status (in facebook) is kind of annoying. i mean, most of it were an eyesore. you're trying to be humble, i get it. but rather i think you're very berlagak in the most subtle way. and THAT annoys me.
there's just this one person, i don't know, i just seem to hate him. yeap, it's a he. huhu. and i am not feeling guilty of what i feel now because lotsa people think the same. so don't blame me. blame him for being an annoying shit. it's not that i easily get annoyed but seriously, this guy his words omg urghhh.... maybe i just don't like goody two shoes people. i think they are the most hypocrite people. konon2 baik. please la. i am big enough to know that there's this fine line between being naturally humble or trying to portray humbleness just so ppl will think you're like that.and oh, no wonder even lecturers choose someone else to be their R.A and not you, even though you're more popular among the faculty (esp juniors). sometime, being a kiss ass wont work. people do have brains now. and lecturers dont need someone who is too opinionated i guess. diorang pun nak yang 'lek lek sudah'. mcm wakil rakyat dah aku tgk kau ni. tp rakyat benci. hoho.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
it's ten minutes before Adamaya starts so lets make it quick.
i had lamb chop for lunch. yummy! all my friends been posting bout food at their facebook page making me hungry. so here is the list of my personal fav food/drinks that it would be great if i can have it... NOW. LAPAR pls. huhu.
ok it's 6.30! bye!
i had lamb chop for lunch. yummy! all my friends been posting bout food at their facebook page making me hungry. so here is the list of my personal fav food/drinks that it would be great if i can have it... NOW. LAPAR pls. huhu.
- Green Tea Frappuccino from Starbucks
- Nasi daun pisang
- Williams /Murni
- Fatty Crab
- Oreo ice-blended from Studio Cafe (Zahid AF2 punye)
- Nachos Cheese
- pasar malam popcorn
- Haagen Dazs ice-creams (any flavor will do)
- Baskin Robbins ( gold medal ribbon)
- cendol pulut bawah pokok
ok it's 6.30! bye!
good morning!
as what i wrote in my previous post this month started out ...err not so nice. (minus celebrating mama's birthday of course, yang tu always awesome).
a dear friend got into CCU (coronary care unit) .
my brother got into an accident. he's fine, alhamdulillah. but the car...the engine was totalled.
and i am still a mess. i still don't know what i want to do with my life.
oh dear, CHEER UP! it's only been the 4th day of the month! MAY IS YOUR MONTH!
as what i wrote in my previous post this month started out ...err not so nice. (minus celebrating mama's birthday of course, yang tu always awesome).
a dear friend got into CCU (coronary care unit) .
my brother got into an accident. he's fine, alhamdulillah. but the car...the engine was totalled.
and i am still a mess. i still don't know what i want to do with my life.
oh dear, CHEER UP! it's only been the 4th day of the month! MAY IS YOUR MONTH!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
mama plus a great family *wink*
had a simple birthday lunch today at Ayam Penyet Ria, Wangsa Maju ( building lots next to wangsa walk). it was great. the food was yummy. and the company, definitely awesome. =)
my family is not the type that will have meals (be it lunch or dinner) together. you know, sitting in the dining room, having specific time for it. we're the type that mama will shout our names and say, 'Audi, abang, ain, yasmin makan!' and we'll go take the food and eat it in front of t.v. and by that, some will turun lambat and some later than lambat. hehe. so it has always been nice, fun (and never ever boring) when we ate lunch/dinner together.
i am grateful that i have such a wonderful family. a SIMPLE yet AMAZING family. they are my life.

p/s: i wanted to upload pictures but the connection was super LEMBAB. dang!!!
my family is not the type that will have meals (be it lunch or dinner) together. you know, sitting in the dining room, having specific time for it. we're the type that mama will shout our names and say, 'Audi, abang, ain, yasmin makan!' and we'll go take the food and eat it in front of t.v. and by that, some will turun lambat and some later than lambat. hehe. so it has always been nice, fun (and never ever boring) when we ate lunch/dinner together.
i am grateful that i have such a wonderful family. a SIMPLE yet AMAZING family. they are my life.
not that i am such a genius at it, i too make mistakes sometimes (most of the time), but writing a SIMPLE GRAMMAR wrongly is a NO NO.
- happy 23th birthday. oh my god.
- but you look hot's when u dance. oh my god.
- hey you, congrats for the winner. (wait a minute, ur congratulating whom again?) oh my god.
- i can't stand up with people who are drunk.... ( hahaha lets just sit then) oh my god.
- happy 23th birthday. oh my god.
- but you look hot's when u dance. oh my god.
- hey you, congrats for the winner. (wait a minute, ur congratulating whom again?) oh my god.
- i can't stand up with people who are drunk.... ( hahaha lets just sit then) oh my god.
hahahaaha gila i cannot sleep, boring tgk facebook, cannot youtube cause this computer xle cucuk headphone so nanti bising, not in a mood to stalk anyone's blog or facebook so yeah, here we go. my 4th post of the day (err or late night, or sepertiga malam. heh bila la laaa nak jadi baik and spend more time on the sejadah selain dari 5 waktu itu? sob sob)
malas nak tulis, so i copied this from my facebook's notes.
1) i daydream a lot. and i mean a lot
2) i am a major weeper. boohoo.
3) i choose a friend over someone i like. it is the hardest thing to do. it hurt so bad that i cried like hell. but i have to. i cant let myself liking someone who is a hater. people say love is blind. well i dont want to be blinded by love. that's just plain stupid.
4) i love maths and loath biology. so why the heck that i take biotechnology course?? gaahh, i dont know. malas nak pi ofis tukar2 kot. plus i have great friends from my course. love these people.
5) i love my bestfriends so so much. they stick by me thru my ups and downs. they listen to my craps. they dont walk away if i did something bad or stupid. yup, those who i called bestfriends.
6) i am a die-hard fan of backstreet boys!!!! sape kutuk siap la kena pukul!
7) i dunno why and dont want to know why someone can like/love 2 people at one time. and then go and said.."hurm nak buat mcm mana dah feeling to datang, not intended to feel that pon". it's like u choose not to choose.
8) uuuu i so hate watching movies or drama series when there's a girl, muke innocent nak mampus or like the nicest person around, if she somehow cheated on the bf or husband, it will be O.K. tapi kalau muke bitchy sket ppl will like marah2 sbb cheat. it doesnt matter how nice or good u r, cheating is just a NO NO.
9) owh memang saye x cepat marah. tapi jgn buat saya marah. someone said."audi nak marah orang? audi?". hahaha. sebenarnye mmg tak suke marah2 sbb akan sakit dada so buat ape nak sakitkan dada dahla pernah ada sakit jantung. and it's a waste of energy pon.
10) ok i think everyone know this, duit saye pernah dicuri oleh rakan sendiri. banyak pulak tuh. tapi yg pelik kenape orang lain yg marah lebih2? and asked me to expel that person. is that how u really punish someone? by ruining the future? even God and our Messenger forgive our mistake, even the worst one, so who are we to be so cruel like that? kejahatan x semestinye dibalas dgn kejahatan kan?
11) owh yes i really do love to star gazing.
12) i think jude law is super-hawt. owh and johnny depp too. and paul walker. and justin timberlake for the dance, not the itik voice eventho all his songs sedap. haha.
13) i really2 miss my melawatian friends right now.
14) i LOVE seafuuuuuddddd. i like fish more than chicken. hehe.
15) owh i have two extra kilograms of fats but dont plan to do anything about it, complaint je banyak. haha.
16) i dont really have specific goals in life. am i a loser?? humm, i just live my life day by day. never really planning for the future.
17) i adore audrey hepburn she's one of my favourite famous person. she's aging beautifully and i think it's because she's not only beautiful on the outside,but inside too. sayangnye dah mati.
18) i dont really know how to cook but i know i will be a super-cook when i get married later.
19) maybe i am not an 'alim person but i always at my best not to have a slightest thought to hate someone. well maybe sometimes we get angry over someone tapi takyah la kot nak benci forever.
20) i think drummer is hot. haha sape nak jadi hot silela blaja main drum.
21) i never like to study history. well maybe i hate memorizing. tu kot sebenarnye.
22) owh because of tak suke memorize, i guess that's why i like Dr.Raj's teaching more rather than Dr.jalal's eventho soalan dia susah nak mampuih! adeke quiz sejam stengah?
23) i relate myself and others thru songs
24) i can drive sticks people! saye bukan jenis nak kene drive kete auto je. but i hate driving cars yang x power steering (betul ke eja?).
25) *somehow i deleted this. tak penting*
malas nak tulis, so i copied this from my facebook's notes.
1) i daydream a lot. and i mean a lot
2) i am a major weeper. boohoo.
3) i choose a friend over someone i like. it is the hardest thing to do. it hurt so bad that i cried like hell. but i have to. i cant let myself liking someone who is a hater. people say love is blind. well i dont want to be blinded by love. that's just plain stupid.
4) i love maths and loath biology. so why the heck that i take biotechnology course?? gaahh, i dont know. malas nak pi ofis tukar2 kot. plus i have great friends from my course. love these people.
5) i love my bestfriends so so much. they stick by me thru my ups and downs. they listen to my craps. they dont walk away if i did something bad or stupid. yup, those who i called bestfriends.
6) i am a die-hard fan of backstreet boys!!!! sape kutuk siap la kena pukul!
7) i dunno why and dont want to know why someone can like/love 2 people at one time. and then go and said.."hurm nak buat mcm mana dah feeling to datang, not intended to feel that pon". it's like u choose not to choose.
8) uuuu i so hate watching movies or drama series when there's a girl, muke innocent nak mampus or like the nicest person around, if she somehow cheated on the bf or husband, it will be O.K. tapi kalau muke bitchy sket ppl will like marah2 sbb cheat. it doesnt matter how nice or good u r, cheating is just a NO NO.
9) owh memang saye x cepat marah. tapi jgn buat saya marah. someone said."audi nak marah orang? audi?". hahaha. sebenarnye mmg tak suke marah2 sbb akan sakit dada so buat ape nak sakitkan dada dahla pernah ada sakit jantung. and it's a waste of energy pon.
10) ok i think everyone know this, duit saye pernah dicuri oleh rakan sendiri. banyak pulak tuh. tapi yg pelik kenape orang lain yg marah lebih2? and asked me to expel that person. is that how u really punish someone? by ruining the future? even God and our Messenger forgive our mistake, even the worst one, so who are we to be so cruel like that? kejahatan x semestinye dibalas dgn kejahatan kan?
11) owh yes i really do love to star gazing.
12) i think jude law is super-hawt. owh and johnny depp too. and paul walker. and justin timberlake for the dance, not the itik voice eventho all his songs sedap. haha.
13) i really2 miss my melawatian friends right now.
14) i LOVE seafuuuuuddddd. i like fish more than chicken. hehe.
15) owh i have two extra kilograms of fats but dont plan to do anything about it, complaint je banyak. haha.
16) i dont really have specific goals in life. am i a loser?? humm, i just live my life day by day. never really planning for the future.
17) i adore audrey hepburn she's one of my favourite famous person. she's aging beautifully and i think it's because she's not only beautiful on the outside,but inside too. sayangnye dah mati.
18) i dont really know how to cook but i know i will be a super-cook when i get married later.
19) maybe i am not an 'alim person but i always at my best not to have a slightest thought to hate someone. well maybe sometimes we get angry over someone tapi takyah la kot nak benci forever.
20) i think drummer is hot. haha sape nak jadi hot silela blaja main drum.
21) i never like to study history. well maybe i hate memorizing. tu kot sebenarnye.
22) owh because of tak suke memorize, i guess that's why i like Dr.Raj's teaching more rather than Dr.jalal's eventho soalan dia susah nak mampuih! adeke quiz sejam stengah?
23) i relate myself and others thru songs
24) i can drive sticks people! saye bukan jenis nak kene drive kete auto je. but i hate driving cars yang x power steering (betul ke eja?).
25) *somehow i deleted this. tak penting*
random thoughts (Vol. 2)
- i'll be leaving sekolah soon (insyaAllah) and i could not be more happier.
- i wish i had a smoother version of this wavy hair so i dont need expensive products (or go rebonding, smoothing la ape) just to have a nice hair.
- it never bother me if i am surrounded by beautiful girls. i am always grateful that they somehow want to hangout with ordinary me.
- i'll be 24 soon. my mom married at the age of 24. so...urmm... (and i dont even have a bf yet)
- i hate it when people tYpE lYkE ThIs.... omg tak penat ke? Kowank nak gi manew? i menci aw bile i nak wi soping i xde wit. i menci owang yang cibuk2 ni. (rasa nak lempang laju2 kan??)
-one thing i hate the most is i never really care to be better.
- some say in each members of a BOY BAND, there must be at least one who is gay. BOO. Backstreet Boys are all married. ok except Nick la, but he used to date Paris Hilton. that is so not gay.
- i still don't get (and never will) how someone can easily cheat on his/her partner. lepas tu cakap, tatau laa, it's my feeling bla bla bla. BULL to the SHIT.
- i wish i had a smoother version of this wavy hair so i dont need expensive products (or go rebonding, smoothing la ape) just to have a nice hair.
- it never bother me if i am surrounded by beautiful girls. i am always grateful that they somehow want to hangout with ordinary me.
- i'll be 24 soon. my mom married at the age of 24. so...urmm... (and i dont even have a bf yet)
- i hate it when people tYpE lYkE ThIs.... omg tak penat ke? Kowank nak gi manew? i menci aw bile i nak wi soping i xde wit. i menci owang yang cibuk2 ni. (rasa nak lempang laju2 kan??)
-one thing i hate the most is i never really care to be better.
- some say in each members of a BOY BAND, there must be at least one who is gay. BOO. Backstreet Boys are all married. ok except Nick la, but he used to date Paris Hilton. that is so not gay.
- i still don't get (and never will) how someone can easily cheat on his/her partner. lepas tu cakap, tatau laa, it's my feeling bla bla bla. BULL to the SHIT.
random thoughts (Vol. 1)
- i think i am in love with Akanishi Jin. and not because of his looks but his personality as a whole. his looks is a plus plus plus, of course.
- i think that a handsome looking man can only be either these two: someone who is FUNny (fun + funny) and whacky who care less about being macho (that if we befriend him we forgot how good looking he is) or, someone who looks cool but turned out to be super BOOORRRIIINGGG.....
- botak guys are hot. they will be much hotter if they play drums.
- japanese men are waayyyy hotter than korean boys.
- Tom Cruise is never hot. Johnny Depp is. and Jude Law. and Paul Walker.
- i am happy to be back in K.L cause i can cuci mata more often. dah berlumpur mata duduk Kuantan lama sangat.
*ok this is not that random. haha!
- i think that a handsome looking man can only be either these two: someone who is FUNny (fun + funny) and whacky who care less about being macho (that if we befriend him we forgot how good looking he is) or, someone who looks cool but turned out to be super BOOORRRIIINGGG.....
- botak guys are hot. they will be much hotter if they play drums.
- japanese men are waayyyy hotter than korean boys.
- Tom Cruise is never hot. Johnny Depp is. and Jude Law. and Paul Walker.
- i am happy to be back in K.L cause i can cuci mata more often. dah berlumpur mata duduk Kuantan lama sangat.
*ok this is not that random. haha!
i am HOME!!!!!
yay, finally after more than a month plus at BORING Kuantan, i'm finally HOME.
oh, mama was worried once she saw me entered the house, she said i was too skinny. not the slender type but more of a sick-skinny one. not pretty. my face looked pale. huuuu. i checked my weight and it was 43 friggin kilograms!!!!!! my weight usually range from 44-46kg. never 43. maybe it showed that my diet work! hahaha. i have not been eating lunch for quite some time. i'll take heavy breakfast (nasi lemak / nasi minyak), hence, the lunch skipping. hoho. and i'll have my dinner at 6.30. i havent had my MILO since the stupid monkey took it, (and the monkey took my mug too. ape, nak gi bancuh milo 3 in 1 ke?) so i guess that's why i lost so much.
tapi ni dah duduk rumah, i'll be gaining weight in no time. percaya lah. the number 43 will not stay for long. hahahaha.
oh today ( 1st of May, Labour Day) is MAMA's birthday. happy '35th' birthday Ma! i never say this often but you do know i love you so very much kan?? you're the greatest mother i've known, and very lucky to have such a caring, loving and supporting husband. i'll be more than grateful to even have half of ur happiness.
oh, mama was worried once she saw me entered the house, she said i was too skinny. not the slender type but more of a sick-skinny one. not pretty. my face looked pale. huuuu. i checked my weight and it was 43 friggin kilograms!!!!!! my weight usually range from 44-46kg. never 43. maybe it showed that my diet work! hahaha. i have not been eating lunch for quite some time. i'll take heavy breakfast (nasi lemak / nasi minyak), hence, the lunch skipping. hoho. and i'll have my dinner at 6.30. i havent had my MILO since the stupid monkey took it, (and the monkey took my mug too. ape, nak gi bancuh milo 3 in 1 ke?) so i guess that's why i lost so much.
tapi ni dah duduk rumah, i'll be gaining weight in no time. percaya lah. the number 43 will not stay for long. hahahaha.
oh today ( 1st of May, Labour Day) is MAMA's birthday. happy '35th' birthday Ma! i never say this often but you do know i love you so very much kan?? you're the greatest mother i've known, and very lucky to have such a caring, loving and supporting husband. i'll be more than grateful to even have half of ur happiness.
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