Saturday, January 10, 2009


two nights before was the suckiest night ever and it's only 1 week after new year. i cried like hell with no clear reason. i mean, i know the reason but i dunno how to put it into words. i know my feeling is real but was it worth it? this feeling i had, will it bring a betterment to my life? i supposed no and i hope it's a no. how could i like someone whose heart is full with hatred. they said love is blind. maybe i've been blinded by love. but i don't want to. it's a stupid proverb. it's hard to let go of this feeling but i have to. i know i have to.


what is the meaning of friendship? what does a friend do to you? would you use your own friend to get benefit out of it? will you keep a secret from a friend that he/she being played just to keep a friendship alive?


you manipulative backstabbing jackass! stop lying because i know everything you idiot. if i were to like you back, will you not consider my feelings too(as you said im your friend)? i understand the reason why you did all these but really, playing me? alhamdullilah sangat2 i dont like you. i just hope you will change someday. this is not healthy. you are sick. i pray for you to get well soon. i pitty you.

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