Wednesday, December 8, 2010

For BeST Programme, I opened up another blog. The content will be solely about the program. Feel free to hop into my other blog at Thank you.

Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Reach An Audience Through Blogging

Disclaimer: This blog is written by a person who has minute knowledge of the blogging world with limited amount of vocabulary. Grammar wise - not good but readable.

A blog is a medium for someone to write a lot of stuffs, ranging from writing their personal experience, giving tips, writing about hobbies and interests, opinions on politics or economies to marketing their products (i.e: cupcakes, clothes, accessorizes).

As an amateur blogger, I personally think that there are some ways in reaching more people to read your blog. There are ways that can make that blog of yours popular and can even get more than 100 hits per day.

First is through your writing. It doesn't have to be very poetic (as not all are Shakespeare) nor having bombastic words for each phrase. Your writing must be simple and easy to understand. If you use certain jargons, you need to be aware that you are writing for all people to read. For example, if you're a doctor, try not use so many medical terms. Don't be too technical on your writing. Blogging is like conveying messages, so writing in jargons just to make you look genius will only create confusion therefore no one wants to read your blog.

Second is the length of your blog. If it is too lengthy, people will get tired reading your blog. Get to the point. If you have so many things to write, try to make few posts instead of one. For example, if you want to write about your holiday in Bali, you can split it up into each day of your holiday, or write separately for each place you went.

Put pictures in your blog. Sometimes by having some pictures together with your writing, it creates more fun in your blog.

What makes a blog a hit is actually the content of the blog itself. Well to me, it also depends on the target audience. If you just want to write about crappy stuffs, your daily routine, well then maybe your target audience will only be your friends and relatives. If you want to get a bigger audience, you might want to spice it up by writing something deeper than your sappy love story. Everyone has opinion on everything (well I have), so why not write something you see on the street, latest news, latest inventions and what not. If you came across some websites that is worth sharing, you can post it in your blog. You can also give tips and advices on things that you can say it are your forte. If you love fashion, you can write about the dos and donts in wearing leggings. If you are into gadgets, you can write about what's latest and what's popular now.

If you are selling products through your blog, make sure it is accesible. I think everyone owns Facebook right? Yes, there's even an article saying that Malaysians have the largest number of friends in Facebook. So you can put your blog address at your Facebook account, announce it every now and then at your statusesor send links to your friends. In other words, sell your blog.

Finally, an eyesore blog is a no no blog. You can have all those nice backgrounds with cute little birds and bees or rainbows but having too many colours and all those blinking word arts, you will only make those blog hoppers visit your blog once. Trust me, less is more.

Training at BeST (1st day)

Ok, so today is my first day here, at UNIRazak, Capital Square. I am here for training under Biotech Corp. which is called Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Special Training (BeST). yes, I'll be here in CapSquare for three months. i hope everything will go well. i hope i can make new friends, gain more knowledge and just have fun while doing it.

Some say it's not worth my time joining this training, with the allowence of only RM1000/mth. but hey, it's better than nothing right? people need to pay for education but i am payed to learn. so i have got nothing to lose here. plus, it's here in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, and CapSquare itself has its own shopping mall (cafes and cinema). and the best part is, it's near LRT station (Dang Wangi). i can travel by LRT to go here and i am an LRT person. i have been on LRT since my high school years, and i think it's hassle free. now they have extended their coaches to four, so i think it'll cut more time queing to get in.

so yeah, no complaint. weeheee.....