5.07am and i am not asleep yet. (lepas subuh baru tido, so God knows when im going to wake up. haha!)
to be honest, this is the 1st time i stayed up to watch football. yes, not just World Cup but football match in general. and it was worth it! the 10pm match, my fav team,
Germany won!!!! 4- telur ayam to Argentina.
AWESOME POSSUM. haha si gemuk Maradona boleh bawak your team balik kampung bye-bye~ even though im supporting the Germans, i think that Argentina played well too. they still tried to score a goal even when they're four goals behind. played to the fullest until the very end.
main separuh mati! that's the spirit we want. TEVEZ ko xyah la ngamuk2 selalu. cabut cekak tu kang baru tau. i loved how the Germans controlled the ball. and
KLOSE, ur the man!! u shud have scored three goals barulah hat trick mcm HIGUAIN tu. hehe. overall, great game!!!

2am match -
Spain VS Paraguay. ok i slept after the 10pm game (ended around midnite). and i woke up 15-20mins after the game started. mamai2 lagi... fell asleep until after half time. yes, minit ke-52 baru saya segar bugar sebenarnye.
(post kat facebook agak menipu sbb x tulis saya tgk tertido2. :p ) ok lepas tu tgk dgn penuh konsentrasi! this game pun awesome jugak, even though some said spain didnt play that well and if they were to play like this against Germany, they will surely lose to them. okla, the game was not bored. laju la diorang main. byk cubaan gol dilakukan. so im happy. hehe. i came to like the Spain team after i watched few of their matches before. i like the way they passed the ball. i mean, im no expert in football or a fan who knows everything including who's playing at which team, transfer team berapa juta pound, which position they play, left or right winger, whether they're a defender/ mid fielder / striker semua tu... but somehow Spain just amazed me. that's why i decided to stay up and watched them play tonite. WORTH IT!
haha got free kick from both team tapi dua2 kena saved by the goalie. damn terer gila both goalies!!! i salute!
VILLA, the savior. and papa thinks that he is good looking (after he scored the goal, of course. haha!)
07/07/10 SEMI-FINAL : Germany VS Spain. oh well, Germany tetap di hatiku so
kick those spanish asses!!!!
on the other note, many said if the team played like shit, it was because of conspiracy. like the players been paid to play a shitty game and lose on purpose -corruption la ape la. (hahaha no offense but this usually came from those who support the losing team.
England, Portugal, Italy, France...ring a bell? haha). to me, a game is a game. doesnt matter if it's tennis or football or badminton or rugby or basketball or baseball... OR, if the game's unfair, biased referee, just got lucky, the players sucked, BLAH BLAH the end, all we care is who win the game. who score the most, they win.
so deal with it yo!