Wednesday, June 30, 2010

oh-so-HANDSOME-looking =D






dear earthlings, it's THE JAW that made them look so HOT. and yes, the deep eyes too.

p/s: oh man, i so need to start writing more. nampak sangat malas dengan hanya letak gambar. but awesome pictures least you guys can cuci mata. rigghtt??? hihi.

definition of HOT


Saturday, June 26, 2010


GOOD MORNING earthlings!!!

today is THE DAY. i'll be off to some hutan for a reunion ive been waiting since FOREVER!!!

rindu zaman scouts. rindu sekolah. xde orang perangai pelik or annoying. never had problems with people at school. zaman sekolah ialah zaman suci where i never hated anyone. well, never have to hate anyone - more precise.

i'll post pictures when im back ok? see ya!

Friday, June 18, 2010

i am H-A-P-P-Y. why? now i can close both books. the books that gave me so many DOSA. because of their weird attitudes, i had to mengumpat them so much (and i never felt guilty because others mengumpat them gila2 also. so not my fault). i closed one few months ago and finally, now i got to close the other book.

rasa ringannn je hati ni. seriously i am more joyful and carefree. i feel like living in a PROBLEM-FREE world that i dont have to think about them anymore. YAY to me!

i might talk too much, gossips with friends, but i dont PECAHKAN RAHSIA ORANG. yes i admit i mengumpat you two gila2 but who doesnt mengumpat who? i know my own friends pun mengumpat i. no big deal. u just get on with ur life la. and seriously, your actions yg buat orang lain bercakap. and again, i dont feel guilty because u hurt my friends as well. you hurt almost everyone!

i have friends who will do anything in their power to help me when im in need. korang ade?
Audi-1, korang-0

i have friends that still stick by me, offer me help and care for me even when i did the worst mistake ever. korang ade?
Audi-2, korang-0

i have friends that accept me as who i am. never complain about my attitude. never have problems working with me. korang ade?
Audi-3, korang-0

i never down-graded people, labeling people. you two did.
Audi-4, korang-0

i don't push people away. you two did.
Audi-5, korang-0

You made a person felt so alone even at your presence. i did not.
Audi-6, korang-0

I've always been invited. korang?
Audi-7, korang 0

you two loath me. but the world loath you two.
Audi-infinity, korang-0

so do whatever, bengang2 lah sorang2 by deleting my facebook lepas tu tulis status kasar gila yg ditujukan kepada saya (bangang tak sbb bukan saya boleh baca pun) tp xnak saya baca tp orang lain boleh baca. whoaaaa.....tarik perhatian nampak. drama much? LAME~

a quote from a friend (when seeing their statuses in FB) to these two,
'awak ni cakap depan cermin eh?'

Thursday, June 17, 2010


when i was little i guess i have a bit of hearing problems. and mixing up words too. one time, my parents told me they wanted to go to Jalan Raja Laut and i was supposed to stay at home with my maid. but being me, so mengada2 i told them i wanted to come along. since it was almost midnite, i fell asleep during the journey. once we got there, my dad said, 'audi, wake up, we're here'. i woke up, looked around, and talked with an angry voice, 'kata nak pegi TEPI LAUT???'

my mom even said that i used to boast at my friends for having chicken chop for dinner, but instead of saying chicken chop i said, 'semalam kite makan CHOPSTICK...sedap....korang pernah ke makan??' LOL. (hahaha mana ada sapa2 makan penyepit laa cik audi oii~)

oh, do u know a famous indonesian singer, Deddy Dores? he was quite a hit during the early 90's. i saw him on tv, called my mom and said, 'mama, mama! DEODORANT is on tv!!'

what the hell is wrong with a FIVE YEARS OLD me???!! ahahahahaha...

ahhh lupa, it was 2 years ago i said the word windmill when instead i shud have said treadmill! "weh *insert name*, seronoknya rumah dia ada windmill, xyah gi gym". hahahaa bunguks!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

buang masa




these increase my procrastination level. like WAAAYY high.


A swing bed? COOLIO!

Entertain Yourself

for those who are bored with life and don't know how to kill time, CLICK THIS.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

dearest miss clingy-jeles xbertempat-xreti layan ur bf parents, u just did the biggest mistake ever. i was about to do a big favor for u on behalf of ur BF (MY BEST FRIEND since the past 8 YEARS) but u just haaaaaaaad to do it kan?

i'll back off. but ur stupidity just make things worse. i pity you.

Monday, June 14, 2010


sekarang ni ialah Piala Dunia so tak sah kalau tak ada entry pasal ni kan. hehe.

i know not much about football, and i always sleep halfway during any games. if not, this mind wud be somewhere else. but for World Cup 2010, i support the Germans. ive been rooting for them since FIFA '98. and no, not because of Ballack or Klose. itu dah mcm support Portugal sbb ada C.R or Japan sbb Hidetoshi Nakata or England sbb Beckham or Brazil sbb KAKA. (iye, sbb rupa, like many typical girls). i think i started to like the team when i watch one of their games back in '98.

this year, many predict Spain will win. but we know Spain usually dont have the luck. they always send the strongest team, have almost all the top players but as i said earlier, luck has never been on their side. poor thing. maybe 2010 will change all that.

and what's up with you England? 1-1 with the States? memalukan! well yeah Beckham (konon) and Ferdinand are injured and cudnt play but still....a draw? korang boleh bantai U.S mcm mana Germans bantai Australians 4-0 la. it's supposed to be easy to win over countries who called football as soccer. maybe sebab Beckham pernah main utk L.A Galaxy, now the americans lagi terer la kot? haha.

South Korea u roxx!!! go go park ji sung! park ji sung! (mcm orang2 korea jerit2 dekat Korean Village, Ampang. sumpah meriah gila tgk dorang ramai2 atas jalan tgk their team play). talking bout korean village, sumpah x rasa berada di malaysia if u go there. the shopping blocks, all are either korean restaurants, korean mini markets,korean karaoke spots or korean learning center. the pakciks and makciks over there also cannot speak english or malay. haha bayangkan, duduk malaysia tapi xreti bahasa melayu, langsung. how do they survive laa.

the GERMANS. tp no 13 tuh injured. uhuk2 kasihan.

p/s: i LOVE the WAKA WAKA song by SHAKIRA. very much football + Africa.

surprisingly, he replied. teeheehee.

on the other note, i think that Farid Kamil and Diana Danielle looked so cute eating cendol and rojak mamak together. my chinese friend, who has no knowledge at all about malaysian celebrities, even thought that these too are handsome n pretty.

Diana without make up, in simple tshirts and skinny jeans - hot.
Farid with shorts, tshirts, cap and slipar bodo2 - hot

oh please dont start to make all those speculations that they're dating, they might just want to enjoy some cendol and hanging out. typical msian suka busy body. and aku pun saje je kan nak post cerita ni. hahaha.


ok, my blog is just some crap i wrote. oklaa, not entirely crap but mcm merepek2 sikit la. not something that people will look for, find information ke, interesting stories ke, shopping online ke. mostly it's about something i feel at that time. and to be honest, i talk nonsense most of the time. i hate politics and will never understand them, because eventually those politicians will care more about what they earn than the people's charity and needs. i know nothing about economics and i am bad in arts. huh, i.t toksah cakap. buta i.t aku ni. so basically, my blog is full with merepekness. and tantrum. and bebel2 mcm makcik. haha. nothing educational can be found here. not even simple stuff like, 'cara2 buat origami atau tips melangsingkan badan atau 10 destinasi percutian menarik di Malaysia'....

so since it's not some fancy blog, i never expect anyone to read it, selain my best friends and my sister. but the fact that others do, and even have these two followers that i dont knw, that really surprised me. im overwhelmed. thank you for thinking my blog is worth reading eventho i merepek je banyak. haha.

im new in this blog world. xtau nak expect apa. so masih bangga ada followers. haha.

i have FIVE followers yo! my aim was none. indeed, this is an unexpected achievement. *kecoh gila*

really? that loud?

i am aware that when ur in a public transportation, let it be bus or LRT, silence is something you will never get. unless of course, u sorang2 je la dalam tu, atau pun naik almost midnight yg memang sikit orang. what annoys me is when someone speaks loudly on the phone (macam dorang kat kelab malam music kuat gila so ckp jerit2) without really care of the surrounding. hellooooo, awak tu kat tempat awam kot, perlu ke cakap sampai sebatu boleh dgr? perlu ke cakap nak bagi satu LRT tu dengar?

i used to go kl-kuantan /kuantan-kl by bus. i think buses' seats nowadays are comfortable, even compared to air asia seats. that's why i dont mind traveling by bus. kembali kepada tujuan sebenar entry -- there are also lotsa ppl who talk like bas tu bapak dia yg punya, and it's worst because ur in that 3-4 hours of journey with that bloody ppl! one time, i sat in the middle, my left side, pakcik berdengkur. my right side, this one girl, wow bergaya dgn beg lui vuton (sengaja eja salah because i know her bag is fake LV!) tapi mak aihh, cakap mcm nak bagi cermin tingkap bas tuh pecah je. honey, i know ur bored, but u dont have to freakin call everyone in ur contacts just to kill time. u kill my sleep! not to be racist, but amoi aa, u punya suara pitching manyak kuat oo, annoying juga. saya aa, lagi sakit kepala oo.

even pakcik berdengkur (kuat gila gak la) x se-annoying suara amoi tu. well u cant help when ur snoring...maybe that's why i didnt mind that much.


p/s: x penat ke cakap kuat2?

Friday, June 11, 2010

a message to the bachelor

i just did one of the craziest thing, might be stupid also. i messaged cleo most eligible bachelor 2010 in facebook. haha! and no, not to mengorat him but i have some inquiries i need to ask. hope that he will read my message. sebab mestilah ada lagi 700++ kawan dia kat fb msg dia jugak. duhh. high possibility he will ignore. xpela, just try my luck.

and no, i dont consider myself as stalking him because to me, stalking will be this -- looking at his facebook every day for every second, commenting at all his pictures and statuses. and yes, i did not do any of those mind you. itu mcm desperate nak mencari perhatian.

he is indeed good looking. pictures from cleo magazine dont do justice. he is more good looking with scruffy look, misai sket. flawless skin is for gays. he's a normal guy but with extra hot looks. lagi handsome time dia botak. wahhhh suka. haha.

haha reading the title of this entry, u must be looking for the message i wrote to him kan? nahh, i wont post it here. not because it's too personal, i just dont think it's appropriate. i mean, what if he replies? takkan nak post semua kat sini kot? no no no.

ciri-ciri laki idaman.

nota kecil: even if you only have half of these characteristics, do not hesitate to fill in the form. ihiks (gelak gedik)

  1. pandai (somehow saya pandailistic...bukan materialistic)
  2. sangat handsome bila botak (orang botak memang handsome)
  3. handyman (sbb saya x reti langsung ilmu pertukangan)
  4. pandai melayan orang tua
  5. suka budak-budak
  6. suka melancong dan melakukan aktiviti luar
  7. can get along with my friends (important!)
  8. tidak mudah cemburu
  9. pandai buat lawak (lame jokes -totally NO NO)
  10. sports person
  11. suka main board games and card games
  12. suka minum kopi
  13. menyokong Manchester Utd. dan Germany for W.C
  14. suka karaoke lagu2 boyband
  15. has courtesy, manners. (important juga)
  16. sembahyang cukup
**eh yg #2 tu, botak sebab shave bukan gugur ya. ;)

*** mana nak dapat borang? pandai2 lah cari.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


keras hati & degil (ikut mood)

kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi

pemikiran yg tajam (lebih cenderung ke arah tumpul je)

mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal (marah x sangat, lebih kepada geram dan mengumpat orang tersebut. haha)

pandai menarik hati org lain & menarik (sejak bile?)

perasaan yg amat mendalam (chup, perasaan apa dulu? terhadap Taeyang and Jude Law haruslah)

cantik dr segi mental & fizikal (again, sejak bile?)

tidak perlu dimotivasikan (memang tak. sebab akan masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri. pergi kursus motivasi, utk kononnya berubah, akan bertahan paling lama pun...sehari)

tetap pendirian tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh org lain (mcm konpius je ayat ni..)

mudah dipujuk (tgk si pemujuknya dulu siapa. hehe)

bersikap sistematik (otak kiri) (yosh!! otak matematik gituu!)

suka berangan (almost all the time)

kuat daya firasat memahami apa yg terlintas di hati org lain tanpa diberitahu (tepat! dan dan dan, mata kamu tidak boleh menipu kerana Audi Amalina boleh membacanya! sumpah tak tipu weh)

bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit

daya khayalan yg tinggi (sama dgn kuat berangan tak?)

pandai berdebat (public speaking pun ketaq2 nak suh lawan2 apa org cakap. choiii~)

fizikal yg baik (sejak bile?)

kelemahan sistem pernafasan (sebab tu kot cepat mengah)

suka sastera,seni & muzik serta melancong (suka suka suka. tapi tahu hobi berkaitan perlukan $$$ yang banyak oleh itu harus bersederhana walaupun teringin sangat)

tidak berapa suka duduk dirumah (suka lepak. tapi tgk keadaan poket, mengizinkan atau tak)

tidak boleh duduk diam (suka loncat2. haha tipu je)

tidak punya ramai anak (manelaa ko nak tau weh?)

rajin dan bersemangat tinggi (hahahaha are you kidding me???!)

agak boros (kalau ada byk cash di dompet)

** merah = tepat sekali

** ungu = lebih kurang la

** hijau = macam tipu je

** biru = entah

p/s: dah sedaya upaya nak bagi font besar tapi x reti jugak. hampagas tol. ni copy paste dari word document kawan pernah bagi.

nak cari in English pulak lah.

==penat jugak nak bagi warna yang berbeza2 kononnya. editing is always the most leceh part==


typical Malay would be:

  • kuat mengumpat
  • kuat mengata
  • kuat hasad dengki
  • kuat busy body (oh jaga tepi kain orang)
  • kuat tak puas hati
  • pemalas
  • suka pandang serong
  • talam dua muka
and i think, Malays are the most racist people one could be. and double standard too. cakap keling, cina bukit/cinapek/apek kongkong, indon, bangla.... haa, ur labeling people boleh? orang nak lable kita, marah gila.

paku dulang paku serpih,
mengata orang dia yang lebih.

facebook status:

men are sweet talker (they can even say i love you without really
mean it) and women cepat perasan (laki buat benda simple pon dah rasa syok sendiri, padahal xde pape pun). so nak salahkan sapa? si sweet talker or si perasan?

macam2 komen dapat. yes, i am those who wrote statuses so that people will comment. you can call it mencapub (mencari publicity murahan), but i call it sharing my thoughts to the world. haha.

one commenter wrote, 'although a lot of guys can sweet talk,some of the guys are not even capable of being sweet......' dan panjang lagi la HE membebel.

fine, the next time i put statuses berbaur sexist, i will put MOST in it. most men bla bla.. most women bla bla...

facebook status:

tak reti laa nak tangkap gamba sendiri yang buat muka comel2. u know, the one yg u hold the camera tangkap dari atas. and ur face still pandang depan but ur eyes je tgk camera, just so ur eyes look bigger. or senget2, still camera dari atas. lepas tu letak banyak2 kat facebook (padahal angle sama je, cuma baju n tempat berbeza). lepas tu rasa hot. eh, taknak reti pon lah.

funny thing is, some people even called it THE MYSPACE ANGLE. bahahaha.

p/s: i know many will terasa with this statement but who cares.


--nota tambahan selepas tekan 'PUBLISH POST'--

to me, approving someone you don't know (esp random guys) just so they will comment on those pictures are CHEAP. you cant blame anyone if in near future somehow your pictures are in Youtube or porn websites (gadis melayu la apa). it did happen to one of my school mate.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

break up season?

macam durian n manggis lak ada musim. hoho. but true, it seems like now is break up season. there're....*counting* 5 ppl which are close to me yang baru broke up with pasangan masing2. plus statuses at facebook, many wrote about heart breaks la, marah2 la apa. hmm...takpe, tunggu musim mengawan la pulak. rawrrr.... hahaha.

on the other note, i've been single for 5 years. lama kann menjanda! mungkin saya memilih. mungkin. tapi saya rasa mmg xde orang nak je kat saya. like, betul2 nak. you know, yang ada extra effort untuk mengorat saya, not only flirt2 through ym or sms. a quote from a movie, He's Just Not That Into You, 'i can't text. i'm not charming via text'. this is so me!

talking bout that movie, i know my NEIL will appear one day (ameen). GIGI is one character that represents many girls in the real world. and i wish i will never have to deal with problems involving ANNA.

tanam anggur / kerja / sambung belajar?

i have not decide what my future will be. work? pursue master? or pursue something totally out of my six years (make it 8, including 2 years in high school) of study. read: biology.

i have been telling people that i want to take a break till after raya. you know, so i wont have to hassle asking my boss for raya leave. orang baru kerja susah sket dapat cuti kan. macam mengada2. haha. but the truth is, i am searching for jobs and i am hoping to get any interviews just so my life will be seen as more worth living. haha.

and about cont masters degree in university malaya, i will think about it. the utmost reason why i am so in doubt of pursuing my masters degree there is the fact that my bachelor degree result is so-so. cukup makan. malu sebenarnye nak tunjuk resume, lagi2 scroll yg nilainya x seberapa tu. plus, i might end up being a lecturer, and truthfully, i think there are other people yg lagi layak to teach the future generation biology related than moi. my passion is math, not biology. if i were to be given a chance to mendidik anak bangsa, (chewah!), i will teach them maths, with all my heart and soul.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

heel-less shoes??!!!!

ok, i am not a shoe expert. i am not an up-to-date girl who owns the 'it' bags, or shoes. i don't even have any designer handbags. or shoes. (i'll work my ass off to buy those later. yes, with my own money). so talking about shoes, i love high heels shoes. not that i have fetish for shoes but i think those in high heels look very feminine, lady like. suka! i was browsing through my facebook, and one status caught my eyes:

"wearing flip-flops is no different than wearing three-inch high heels.."

and i replied, "..only when ur walking on a fluffy red carpet!...."

while replying the status, i remembered Victoria Beckham with all her craziness in super thin high heel shoes, so i google-ed her. there, i saw pictures of her in this ridiculously high heel shoes that no one should ever wear. yes, in fashion sense, the shoes are AH-MAYY-ZING but in the name of health, i dare no one to put on those heels! see THIS, and THIS, aanndd THIS. how can she walks comfortably in that? kughus nak mampuih la tumit tu....

but fashion does not stop there, the invention of 'heel-less' shoes arrived in such sense that if we can tiptoe our way to some place, why not doing it in style! and being Victoria Beckham who is always in for new things and a trend setter esp in shoes, she decided to wear them. yes, the heel-less shoes. and apparently other celebrities follow her 'heel-less' foot steps by buying those shoes also.

V.B in her heel-less shoes. DAMN!

another heel-less shoe. and no, this is not an edited picture.

ok so yeah i just found out about it. maybe cerita basi. but i dont think anyone should wear this kind of shoes. not in million years. you're not only hurting the legs but the whole body too. enough with eating unhealthy foods, living in an unhealthy lifestyle, must we torture our body more just so we can be trendy? i dont think so. you can love fashion, but dont make yourself a fashion victim that you forget to take care of your body.

plus, these shoes are freaking expensive (USD 2000 - USD4000). why must we invest our money in those shoes when in return they give nothing but foot injuries. i rather use all that money to buy another gazillion pair of shoes than paying the medical bills.

let us just stick to flats. comfy.

ikrar & undang2 pengakap


Pertama ~ Pengakap adalah seorang yang sentiasa dipercayai maruah dan kehormatan dirinya.

Kedua ~ Pengakap adalah seorang yang taat kepada Yang Dipertuan Agong, kepada Rajanya, Negaranya, pemimpin-pemimpin pengakapnya, ibu-bapanya, orang-orang diatas dan orang-orang yang dibawahnya.

Ketiga ~ Pengakap wajib menjadikan dirinya berguna dan menolong orang pada setiap masa.

Keempat ~ Pengakap itu sahabat kepada sekalian dan saudara kepada lain-lain pengakap walau apa negeri, pangkat dan agamanya sekalipun.

Kelima ~ Pengakap itu baik dan sempurna budi pekertinya dan sentiasa berbudi.

Keenam ~ Pengakap itu baik dan kasih kepada segala binatang.

Ketujuh ~ Pengakap itu seorang yang sentiasa menurut perintah dan suruhan ibu-bapanya, kepala patrolnya atau pemimpin-pemimpin pengakapnya dengana tiada apa-apa soalan.

Kelapan ~ Pengakap itu seorang yang sentiasa sabar dan manis mukanya dalam kesusahan.

Kesembilan ~ Pengakap itu jimat dan cermat

Kesepuluh ~ Pengakap itu bersih dan suci fikirannya, perkataannya dan perbuatannya.

p/s: yay i remember the ikrar again!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

i think i like HIM. oh wait, ive always admire HIM. so umm... i think i might be falling in love with HIM.

Friday, June 4, 2010


i miss my scouts days. good ol days. yes, i was budak pengakap yang active i went to every single camping trip, including the one in Sarawak and Thailand. Thailand was WORLD JAMBOREE yo, so it was super duper AWESOME times infinity.... i went scouts camping in Sarawak when i was 14! i am grateful to have such a supportive parents that allowed me to go that far without them or any other family members for two weeks. can u imagine, me, sleeping in a tent for two weeks?? did all whatever campers do including jungle trekking for 4-6 hours, commando training, and other stuffs.

mesti korang tak sangka i was this active kan? yes i WAS. now....err....panjat bukit sikit dah nak pengsan. jalan sikit dah penat. if possible, i want to park my car riiiggghtt in front of the door, any door. pemalas tahap dewa.

anyways, thanks to Facebook it reconnects all my scouts member and luckily they want to have a camping reunion!! after SIX YEARS living scouts behind, i can't wait for this event! meeting my all time fav teacher cum scouts supervisor, teacher Rasyidah, all the pemimpins and my fellow Gombak 16 members....wahhhh tak sabar!

26th June, you'll be remembered. aiceh!

p/s: do i still fit in those scouts uniforms? har har har.

p/s #2: do i still remember all the things i learnt? pasang khemah, ikatan2, set a fire. or even the basic stuffs like piagam pengakap... OH NO!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


u didn't delete but u made me couldn't see any of your post.

drama much.

perempuan pun kalah.

lagi funny.

told others coward sbb x berani bersuara. like hello, masalah kau pun kau takat ngumpat kat fb and never confronted any of them.

mcm ada mirror in front of you and reflecting everything you said right back at ya.